Children are strongly encouraged to wear our school uniform. Sweatshirts and cardigans are jade, and fleeces navy blue, with an embroidered school logo. Children may wear a white or jade green polo shirt. Children in Year 6 may wear a navy blue school hoody, which also has the school logo on the front. Trousers, skirts and shorts can be grey, navy or black.
PE kit should include navy or black shorts with a plain white T-shirt. Children will need a black or navy tracksuit for outdoor PE, as well as plimsolls or trainers.
Uniform can be ordered direct from School Trends at www.schooltrends.co.uk or by phoning 0870 165 0161.
All items of clothing (including PE kit and coats) should be clearly marked with the child's name.
For health and safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn on PE days, and long hair should be tied back.