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Our Christian Vision, Values & Ethos

Our Vision

'Let all that you do, be done in love' - 1 Corinthians 16:14


Love is our cornerstone – the love of God, the love of others and the love of ourselves. We are inclusive, appreciating and nurturing the uniqueness of everyone. Our school community is where we develop as well-rounded individuals, using our collective strengths to grow as a family. Every member of our school community is supported & enabled to flourish.

This success is achieved through a commitment towards our shared values of; Joy, Love & Resilience.

Our Values


”I sing for joy at what your hands have done. How great are your works.’ Psalm  92:5


‘Let all that you do be done in love.’ 1 Corinthians 16:14


‘And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.’ Hebrews 12:1


Our values our 'lived out' through;    

  • applying a growth mindset in all we do, showing resilience to setbacks 
  • developing and showing a love of learning
  • showing and sharing joy when taking pride in our achievements.


Our Golden Rule

“Do unto others, as you would have then do unto you’ 

- Matthew 7:12

Our Aims

Naseby CE Primary Academy aims to provide every child with high quality teaching and learning. It is the school’s philosophy to give our pupils a measure of independence, a high level of self-confidence and well-being, a deep sense of self-worth, and an understanding and deeper appreciation of our Christian heritage.

To achieve this, we aim to:

a) Enable all children to achieve their full potential, both academically, socially, personally, and morally in order that children expect the best of themselves.

b) Promote spiritual development and the ability to grow and flourish as human beings.

c) Support children in building relationships which reflect Christian values.

d) Deliver a broad, relevant and challenging education which is of a high standard and appropriate to an individual child’s needs.

 e) Promote high standards of behaviour based on mutual trust and respect, developing responsibility and fostering self-discipline.

f) Promote good citizenship, thus enabling individuals to make valuable contributions to wider society.

g) Ensure equal opportunities for all.

h) Provide a welcoming and stimulating learning environment in which everyone feels safe, happy and secure.

i) Develop a sense of pride in belonging to Naseby CE Primary School.

 To achieve these aims, staff and governors will work in partnership with parents, carers and the local community for the benefit of all our pupils.

Our Ethos


Our Christian Ethos is based on the Parable of the Mustard Seed which tells us that a seed is a beginning. 

‘What shall we say the kingdom of God is like? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade’. 
- Mark 4:30-32


Our vision is rooted in one of Jesus’ stories; The Parable of the Mustard Seed, which describes the Kingdom of God growing and flourishing from small beginnings.

We believe that our school community is like that tree, which grows and evolves over time with branches that reach out into our community, providing shade, shelter and hope. 

The tree is a welcoming home to the children, parents, staff and wider community members, who are like the birds nesting within its branches. Through nurture, knowledge and wisdom they develop skills, attitudes and lifelong values that enable them to flourish and realise their full potential as they go out into the wider world. 

Our school family is a learning community with ambition for everyone. Each person is unique, valued and cherished; both as an individual and for the contribution they make to the school. We believe that all our pupils have the potential to do well, to succeed in their learning and to become a valued member of society.

This vision of growing well in our community shapes all we do and helps us understand who we are as a school, why we are here, and then how we live. From this, we draw our school values.

How then do we live?  
Our Christian vision, values and ethos promote social and cultural development through the practice of forgiveness, reconciliation and good mental health. It enables children and adults, whatever their background or ability, allowing all to flourish and live well together.

We describe what we do in terms of how our vision and values inspire the whole school community to engage in social action and to be courageous advocates for change in their local, national and global communities
Daily collective worship at the centre of school life enables children to experience the diversity of Christian practice and tradition.
Our Christian vision supports the character and moral development of all pupils, giving them aspiration for themselves and hope for the communities of which they are a part. It gives pupils and adults dignity, and enables them to be the person God created them to be, the best that they can be and to inspire hope for others in the local community and beyond.
High quality, effective, academic and non-confessional religious education allows pupils and adults to flourish.

​Naseby C of E Primary School provides a respectful, caring environment, based on our Christian values, where children and adults are helped to flourish and grow to the best of their abilities.

​Sowing the seed;

Placing Collective Worship at the centre of the school’s daily life.
Providing a happy, secure and disciplined environment in which learning activities are both inspiring and enjoyable.
Cultivating the ground;
Providing a broad and balanced education, with exciting curricular and enrichment activities, tailored to meet the needs of individual children.
Enabling all pupils to flourish and achieve the best that they can be at each stage of development.
Tending the growth;
Maintaining and develop the effective partnerships that exist between school and home, with our parish, and the local, national and global community.
Basing our school life on the Christian principles of love, friendship, caring, tolerance and cooperation.
Welcoming all; 
Providing an inviting, inclusive school environment where all members of the school community, of all faiths or none, are valued, respected and care for one another.
Developing self-esteem, self-discipline, enquiring minds, independence and high personal aspirations which will enable children to succeed now and in the future.